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BaristaSource / UserGuide / GCPchipDBase

GCP Chip Database

A GCP chip databse can be created for many purposes, for example, for auto GCP collection using Register Images Using Image Chips option under the 'Image Processing' menu.

Open or Create a Chip Database

To open an existing or to create a new chip database, if you have a project opened in Barista, click on any of the options shown below:

Collect Chips

In order to create chips, firstly you need to click on the tool labeled as 'Chip collection' under the 'Digitize' toolbar:

Then select an area of interest and click on a distinguished place, for examples, round about or road intersection. A small window will be shown with Chip iInformation. Click on 'Other Information' button to see or update its other information:

Click Ok or Cancel buttons on Chip Information dialog, shown above, to save or cancel the newly created chip. When you select to open an existing chip database, you need to select a .cdb file:

Chip Information

The 3D chip information (in geocentric coordinate system) of all existing and newly created chips (within the opened database) will be in GCPChipPoints node in Barista:

Save or Close a Chip Database

At anytime you can save or close the chip database and comeback later to collect more chips if necessary.

Show Chip-points

In order to see all the chip points of an opened chip database on the orthoimagery (so that you can see where the existing ones are, where should be the new ones), you need to convert ‘GCPChipPoints’ node to 2d with TFW:
