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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ImageChipsDlg

Write Image Point Chips

The write image point chips dialog enables to set the options for writing image points chips from a 2D Point node measured on an image. The dialog is started via the 2D point node popup menu and will first require to choose a directory for the image point chips.


Write Image Chips Dialog

After the selection of a directory, some options can be set by this dialog. The user has the choice to create just the image chips (which will be saved a 8-bit JPG-Files) or as well to create an overview as an HTML table. If the project contains also a 3D control point node, then the assigned 3D information of measured image points can be optionally included in the HTML table. The width and height of the image chips can be changed by the spin boxes of the dialog, the range of these value is limited to 25 to 500 pixel.


HTML table with image chips

To 2D Point Node

To Thumbnail View
