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BaristaSource / UserGuide / Import3DPoints

Import 3D Points

Choosing Import 3D Points will open a dialog, where one file can be selected for import into Barista. Before importing the 3D Points to Barista, it’s necessary to select the Coordinate type, the Reference system and Settings for the different Grid coordinate types. Points in Geographic, Geocentric, UTM, TM and Local system can be imported from ASCII text files. The expected file structure of a 3D point file is either Label X Y Z (without sigmas) or Label X Y Z SigmaX SigmaY SigmaZ (with sigmas). In the case of UTM and TM coordinates some additional information have to be specified.


Import 3D Points Dialog

After the import of 3D points is finished, a 3D point node icon will be created and added under the thumbnail view. Functions can be performed from a thumbnail view 3D point node and are described in the section Barista thumbnail view.

Note: Barista understands the concept of a 3D control point node. There can only be one 3D control point node highlighted green. To make a particular 3D point node control, Right Click and select Control, and notice its icon will change to green. This is important for processes such as the RPC bundle, Affine Bundle, Single Image bias correction and Forward Affine orientation. All these processes can not be performed without a 3D control point node!

Coordinate Types Coordiante Type 3D Point node 3D Point node used as Control
Geographic Inline Graphik Inline Graphik
Geocentric Inline Graphik Inline Graphik
UTM Inline Graphik Inline Graphik
TM Inline Graphik Inline Graphik
Local Inline Graphik Inline Graphik

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