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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ImportImages

Import Image(s)

Import Images has two import options for image data. Multiple image files in a format supported by Barista should be imported as Formatted Image File(s). Other files might be imported via the Unformatted Image File option.

Import Formatted image data

Import Image(s) will open Import Image(s) dialog, where one or multiple images from the same folder can be selected for import to Barista. The following import formats are available:

  • TIFF / GeoTIFF (.tif)
  • JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg)
  • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
  • ERMapper Compressed Wavelets (.ecw)
  • JPEG 2000 (.jp2)
  • CEOS Format (.ceos, without extension)

To select the image(s) press Select File(s) and highlight the desired files. The selected files will be shown in the dialogs file list. Adjust channel and import settings by highlighting one or multiple images from the list. All the changed settings will be applied to the highlighted images, if the setting is support.


Import Image(s) Dialog

In the section Channel Settings Barista shows the number of extracted channels and the associated bands of the highlighted file. To change the channel order, simply highlight the desired channel combination. For multi-channel images some predefined channel combinations can be selected from the Predefined Band orders box .

When Barista is importing an image, it creates an additional file with the extension .hug in the same folder. This file stores different resolutions of the imported file and the selected band order. If you re-import the same image, Barista will automatically detect an existing .hug-file, when stored in the same folder. Any changes of the import settings or channel orders will be ignored. Select Recreate Image Pyramid File (.hug) to force Barista to recreate the file.

For some satellite images, Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs) are available. If Barista detects a RPC-file in the same folder as the image, it becomes selectable for import via the RPC file box. Tick Import RPCs to import this information together with the image. The RPCs can also be imported later from the Image Node (for example, if the file is stored in a different folder). Importing the RPCs will create a RPC Node assigned to the image node. The following file extensions are supported by Barista:

  • .RPB
  • _rpc.txt
  • .rpc

When working with SPOT 5, ALOS PRISM or QuickBird satellite imagery, metadata describing orbit and internal satellite parameters for the use with the Pushbroom sensor model can be imported. The import of these metadata is recommanded only when working with the raw data provided by the satellite vendors. The supported processing levels are:

  • SPOT 5
    • Level 1A - Radiometric corrected
    • Level 1A - Raw data
    • Level 1B1 - Radiometric corrected
  • QuickBird
    • Basic Imagery

Barista tries to automatically determine appropriated metadata files. For that reason it is important that you do not change the names of the image and metadata files provided by the vendors. When appropriate files are found, the option Import Pushbroom Metadata will be available and the selected metadata files are accessible. The following essential metadata files will be considered.

  • SPOT 5
    • VOL-'scene id'-'product id'
    • LED-'scene id'-'product id'
    • TRL-'scene id'-'product id'
    • SUP-'scene id'-'product id'
  • QuickBird
    • MUL_README.txt
    • PAN_README.txt

Tick Import Pushbroom Metadata to import the metadata together with the image. The metadata can also be imported later via the Image Node. A successfull import will create a Pushbroom Scanner node assigned to the image node. Additionally, nodes for the satellite camera, the satellite camera mounting, the satellite orbit path and orbit attitudes are created. No new nodes will be added if appropriated cameras, camera mountings, orbit paths or orbit attitudes are already present in the project . These parameters will then be shared cross the project.

Besides the RPC and Pushbroom Metadata files, Barista also imports georeferencing information from either the images or as separate files. Supported file extensions are:

  • TIFF
    • .tfw
    • .tiffw
    • .wld
  • JPEG
    • .jgw
    • .wld
  • GIF
    • .wld
  • ECW
    • .wld
  • JPEG 2000
    • .wld
  • CEOS
    • .wld

Barista detects georeferencing files and makes them selectable for import in the TFW file box, when stored in the same folder as the image file. Georeferencing information can also be incorporated in the image file itself. If georeferencing information is found in the image as well as in a separate file, choose either Extract from Image File or Read separate File. Tick Import GeoReference Information to import the geo information. This will create a TFW Node assigned to the image node.

Import unformatted Image data

Images in unrecognizable or not supported format might be imported via the function Unformatted Image File, which opens a dialog to import unformatted data as image. The user will at least have to specify if the file to be imported is stored in ASCII or binary.


Import unformatted image Dialog

  1. Binary data: The import of binary data requires the specification of different parameters for the import. The import will only be possible if the specified settings match with the file size. Barista tries to guess some of the parameters from file size and by assuming square image extensions and different data depth, which should be checked by the user prior import.

After the import of image(s), a thumbnail of each imported image will be created and added under the thumbnail view. Functions can be performed from a thumbnail view image node and are described in the section Barista thumbnail view.

To Image Node

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