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BaristaSource / UserGuide / MenuFile

The File Menu

To start with a new project, the project has to be initialised using the item New in the File Menu. Following this, the user can use the import functions to import either one or multiple images, 3D points, a DEM file or an ALS data set. An existing project can be loaded with File and Open. At any stage, a project can be saved using the Save or Save As items in the File Menu.

Starting a New Project

Select the item New in the File menu to start with a new project. The Start Project Dialogue will appear on the screen. Using the button Filename, you can browse a (new) file that will contain the project data (default extension: .bar). The path of that file will be the project path, and the filename (without extension) will be the project name. Once you have selected that file, the OK button becomes accessible, and on selecting OK, the project will be initialised. Before initialising a new project or opening an existing one, all other functions will be inaccessible.

Note that the filename you specify here will be the default filename for saving, i.e., if you use the item Save of the File Menu.

If the user initialises a new project while working on another one, the user will be given the option to save the current project before initialising a new one. If a new project is initialised, all changes that have been made to the previous project since the last time the project was saved will be lost.


Start Project Dialogue

Loading an Existing Project

On selecting the item Open in the file menu, a file browser will appear. Using this browser, the user can browse the Barista project file (extension .bar) saved using either the Save or Save As item. Before initialising a new project or opening an existing one, all other functions will be inaccessible.

If the user loads an existing project while working on another one, the user will be given the option to save the current project before loading another. If an existing project is loaded, all changes that have been made to the previous project since the last time the project was saved will be lost.

Saving a Project Using the Default Name

Selecting the Save item in the File Menu will save the project to the file specified either when the project was initialized or when it was last saved using the Save As item.

Saving a Project Under a New Name

Selecting the Save As item in the File Menu will open a file browser in which you can select a name for the Barista project file (extension .bar). Any further Save action will overwrite that file.

Data import functions

Apart from the project functions New, Open, Save, and Save As, the File Menu offers the following import actions:


Barista Menu File

Successful import of Images, 3D points, DEM or ALS data sets will each create a corresponding project node on the thumbnail view.

To Thumbnail View

Back to Barista Menu Bar
