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BaristaSource / UserGuide / MenuImageProcessing

Menu Image Processing

The menu Image Processing contains the following functions:

  • Orthoimage: This function can be used to generate orthoimages from original images using a DEM and a sensor model

  • PanSharpening: This function can be used to pansharpen images. The images can either be two orthophotos or two original images with a current sensor model.

  • Register Images for Pansharpening: This function can be used for the automatic co-registration of a multispectral image with a panchromatic image.

  • Register Images using Orthophotos: This function can be used to automatically extract ground control points from a digital orthophoto and determine the positions of these points in original images with an approximate current sensor model.

  • Merge Image Bands: This function can be used to merge single band images with exactly the same dimensions and image depth to create a multichannel image

  • ALOS merging tools: There are two functions for dealing with raw (level 1B1) data from the Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS) of the Japanese Aerospace Agency:

  • Compute staggered ADS40 images: This function is not yet accessible.


Barista Menu Image Processing

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