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BaristaSource / UserGuide / TechnicalNotes

Technical Notes

The Barista software is implemented in C++ in combination of a graphical user interface (GUI) realized in Qt. After installation, the files required to run Barista will be found in the install directory:

  • Barista.exe
  • Barista.ico
  • BaristaManual.pdf
  • Barista.chm
  • cameraFile.ini (defaut cameras for generic pushbroom scanner)

Dlls from Qt:

  • QtCore4.dll
  • QtGui4.dll
  • QtOpenGL4.dll

The directory \Microsoft.VC80.CRT contains:

  • msvcp80.dll
  • msvcr80.dll

Dll from GDAL:

  • gdal16.dll

Dll from ECW:

  • libecwj2.dll

Dll from ANN:

  • ANN.dll

Dll from Xerces:

  • xerces-c_3_0.dll

Dlls from VRaniML:

  • vrutils.dll
  • vraniml.dll

Dll from Expat:

  • libexpat.dll

In the directory Documents and Settings\'user name'\Application Data\Barista, the software will generate a Barista.ini which contains some configuration information such as project paths etc. The Barista.ini file is not required to start Barista and can be removed anytime, but will be re- generated while using the Barista software. When using the generic pushbroom sensor model additional cameras can be created or existing cameras can be edited. In these cases Barista will save a user specific cameraFile.ini file in the same directory. Double click on the Barista.exe will start the software.

Barista is protected by an USB dongle that has to be attached to the computer whenever the software is executed. The USB dongle requires a driver that can be installed at the same time as Barista. Do not attach the dongle to the USB port of your computer before finishing the installation process!

Licence terms of the used libraries

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