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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeCCDCamera

CCD Camera Node

The CCD Camera dialog shows the internal camera parameters such as principle point, focal length and pixel size (if known). A node is created either during the Image import or direct Import of Metadata via the Image Node.

Camera node icon: Inline Graphik

Double click on the camera node will open the following dialog. This dialog can only be used as a viewer for the internal camera parameters.


CCD Camera dialog

For ALOS PRISM six additional parameters for every image stripe are used. These parameters are determined during the initialization of the PushBroom scanner.


CCD Camera dialog with additional ALOS parameters

Only the column Sigma is editable. It contains a priory accuracy information for the additional parameters when adjusted. The selection of constant or free parameters is done via the PushBroom scanner. See PushBroom node for more information.

To Thumbnail View
