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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeCameraMounting

Camera Mounting Node

The camera mounting describes the position and rotation of a camera relative to a body fixed coordinate system of the particular sensor. A node is created either during the Image import or direct Import of Metadata via the Image Node.

Camera Mounting node icon: Inline Graphik

Double click on the node will open the following dialog.


Camera mounting dialog

This dialog can only be used as a viewer for the parameters. Selecting of constant and adjustable parameters has not yet been implemented. In its current stage camera mounting parameters cannot be adjusted.

For ALOS PRISM imagery the camera mounting for nadir, backward and forward view directions are identical for all four separate image stripes and thus are shared by all four images per view direction.

Toggling of the parameterization of the camera rotation between Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Omega, Phi, Kappa is only provided for viewing purposes. The internal parameterization of this rotation is always Roll, Pitch and Yaw.

To Thumbnail View
