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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbNodeOrbitAttitudes

Orbit Attitudes Node

The Orbit Attitude dialog allows access to two groups of additional orbit attitude parameters, time-constant offset and time-dependant rotation. These parameters model the difference between the provided orbit attitudes and the actual attitudes in space and will be determined during the adjustment. Note: The time-dependant rotation is experimental and should not be used! A node is created either during the Image import or direct Import of Metadata via the Image Node.

Orbit Attitude node icon: Inline Graphik

Double click on the orbit attitude node opens the following dialog.


Orbit Path dialog

This dialog can be used as a viewer for additional orbit attitude parameters and to select them to be adjusted. To determine the additional parameters tick time-constant offset or time- dependant rotation. Currently you can only select or deselect all three parameters per group. Single selection is not yet supported.

The accuracy column can be used introduce a priori accuracy information for the additional parameters. The column Parameter shows the adjusted (or default) value of the parameters and its standard deviations. By pressing Apply to all the selected parameters and introduced accuracy information will be stored in all orbit attitudes in the project.

Reset Parameter resets adjusted parameters to their default deviations and accuracy information. Reset all applies the reset to all orbit attitudes in the project.

To rename the orbit attitudes click with the right mouse button on the node and select Rename. Note: Barista uses the name to automatically determine whether orbit attitudes can be shared between different Pushbroom scanners. Therefore, only change the name if you load Pushbroom scanner metadata manually via Import of Metadata.

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