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BaristaSource / UserGuide / ThumbnailView

Thumbnail View

The Barista thumbnail view shows the nodes of a Barista project. The main nodes of the thumbnail view representing images, 3D points and DEMs. Each node of the thumbnail view might have one or more sub-nodes. The thumbnail view allows different functions to specific nodes by Double Click or Right Click. According to the type of the selected node different options will appear as popup menus.

These popup menus contain functions such as import/export, data reviewing, editing, renaming and deleting, transformations and other operations.

The following section will describe these functions according to each type of project node.

The Barista thumbnail view provides the following node types:

Caution: The node types 2D Point, RPC, PushBroom Scanner, Affine, XYZPolyline, Buildings, XYContour and some 3D Point nodes are sub nodes of an image and therefore are created, imported, exported and accessed via an image node.

Each node is represented by an icon and has a name. Double Click on a thumbnail view item will accordingly open an image view, 3D point table, DEM information, 2D point table, tables with RPC or Affine parameters, XYZPolyline or Building tables.
