[Charts] Sparklines

Issue #28 closed
Cristi Scutaru repo owner created an issue

Implemented rather as Effects (at the field level), not Charts.

Could call/implement as a specific generic DX SparkLine/SparkColumn/SparkArea function, with list of values, or rather query column IDs.

Custom draw in cell - which could also show text/values, as usual (sum/total).

Comments (3)

  1. Cristi Scutaru reporter

    solve negatives (in columns) - TODO

    test with booleana - TODO

    color areas between axes and graph - TODO

    zero-based axis - TODO

    get data from values/query lanes - DONE

    use gradient/semi-transparent colors - TODO for pies

    more tests, for diff values and data types - TODO

    validate spark params - TODO

    line/area markers - DONE

    axis - DONE

    more colors for pie - TODO

    validate all rectangles - TODO

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