Lab overview for graders show all submissions instead just the latest ones

Issue #11 resolved
Gregoire Detrez created an issue

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature but the lab overview shows all the submission for a group, which means that if a group has one rejected and one accepted submission, it will appear in both lists. It might give a clearer picture to show only the latest submission for each group.

Comments (9)

  1. Gregoire Detrez reporter

    Well, it is marked as a bug! Although it's not really a bug in the sens that it seems to be the intended view (the page titles says {Pending|Rejected|Accepted} submission not groups...)

    But I agree that it's a confusing and less useful change compared to fire 1

  2. Gregoire Detrez reporter

    Add a new model to group submission in threads

    That should make it easier to display groups and students instead of submissions in the grader viw, see #11

    → <<cset bb46d362abdb>>

  3. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Add a new model to group submission in threads

    That should make it easier to display groups and students instead of submissions in the grader viw, see #11

    → <<cset 272fafb07e68>>

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