Review drafts are not shared between grader

Issue #110 resolved
Gregoire Detrez created an issue

Ana came with an good use case for the review draft which is not well supported by fire:

  • a grader makes a comment but they're unsure about something so they do not accept/reject the submission yet
  • instead they assign the submission to the course responsible
  • the teacher review the grader's commends and accept/reject the submission

But right now, you don't see the draft of an other grader.

One suggestion would be to remove the grader id from the draft. An other possibility is to transfer the draft when the submission is re-assigned.

Comments (3)

  1. Gregoire Detrez reporter

    Share review between graders (fix #110)

    This is accomplished by removing the grader id from the ReviewDraft PK. So there is now only one review draft per submission (instead of one for each pair submission+grader).

    Note that the grader id is still stored in the draft but it now corresponds to the grader who last modified the draft and should be updated accordingly.

    → <<cset 32f591774da1>>

  2. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Share review between graders (fix #110)

    This is accomplished by removing the grader id from the ReviewDraft PK. So there is now only one review draft per submission (instead of one for each pair submission+grader).

    Note that the grader id is still stored in the draft but it now corresponds to the grader who last modified the draft and should be updated accordingly.

    → <<cset 32f591774da1>>

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