Add group number to exported student information

Issue #113 resolved
Alexander Sjösten created an issue

This would be a very nice feature to have. Currently, "Export to CSV" will not contain the group numbers the students are in.

Comments (11)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Usually, the CVS export is used to report to LADOK. What is your use case for having groups there?

  2. Alexander Sjösten reporter

    In one of the courses I TA in, we use the group numbers to decide who should be the opponent on which report for the final presentations. This is either tedious work or we (as we currently do) can ask one of you Fire guys to produce it from the database. If this is somehow built into the system, it would be faster for all people involved.

  3. Gregoire Detrez

    @aztek: when you say "report to LADOK", do you mean that the CSV can directly be uploaded in LADOK? As far as I understood, the teacher needs to import it into a spreadsheed, massage it somehow and then send it to the student office. In this case, it shouldn't matter much if we add a column.

  4. Daniel Schoepe

    Another use case we have in the DSLs of Math course is to help students sort themselves into groups. Having the group information in the CSV (and the student overview) allows figuring out which groups still have free slots and which students haven't found group members yet.

  5. Daniel Schoepe

    Thanks for the quick fix. It seems though that this assumes one group per student for all the labs. What happens if a student joins different groups for different labs; would this require one group column per lab?

  6. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    The number in the table is the student's current group. It's an oversimplification of the model, I suppose.

    Indeed, a student might submit different labs under different groups, and moreover, she can submit the same lab under different groups! Tracking the precise history of group changes is tricky,

    From what I've seen, it's extremely rare that a student is ever in more than two groups, and in most cases all submissions are made under the same group. Is in different in your course?

  7. Daniel Schoepe

    It often happens that some students drop out in the middle of the course, before submitting the second lab. Since this course requires a group size of exactly 3 (aside from individual exceptions), this results in some reshuffling of groups. It's probably not urgent since students have usually figure out new groups themselves, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have the information in the exported file.

    Best regards Daniel

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