Username in e-mail to additional graders

Issue #151 resolved
Víctor López Juan created an issue

Confirmation e-mails for the first grader in a course explain quite well how to log in:

Hello [HUMAN],

We are pleased to inform you that the fire instance for your course "[COURSE NAME]" is ready. You can visit it by navigating to the URL:


You have been regisitered [sic] on this fire instance as a grader.

Log-in with the following credential to start setting-up your course:

email address: [REDACTED] password: [REDACTED]

What's new in fire 2.1 (LP4 2016) * Graders can now easily add and modify labs * Graders can now easily set group size exceptions and deadline extension * Labs can allow only certain file extensions * Markdown supported in comments and reviews, including asciimath

But grader e-mails are much duller:


You have been added as a grader for the course [REDACTED]. The fire system can be accessed at [REDACTED], your password is: [REDACTED] Welcome!

Fire & the teachers of [REDACTED] This is sometimes confusing; for example, when the grader does not know which login to use (CID, Chalmers E-mail, GU e-mail, GU-CSE e-mail …).

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