Submission possible after deadline

Issue #159 resolved
n_a_d created an issue

I'm only using final deadlines, not first deadlines, and it seems as if students can submit even if the final deadline has passed.

For instance, for a certain assignment Fire states that the final deadline happened "3 days ago 2017-11-17 @ 00:05", while one assignment was submitted "3 days ago 2017-11-17 @ 14:08".

Comments (5)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    Thank you for the report!

    It seems that there has been a misunderstanding. The first deadline is the deadline of the first submission, and the last deadline is the deadline of the last resubmission. If your course only needs one deadline, you should have set the first deadline and left the final deadline empty. That configuration Fire would interpret as "students must submit by [date of the first deadline] and then resubmit indefinitely". The opposite (empty first deadline and non-empty last deadline) Fire interprets as "students can (re)submit whenever they like but not after [date of the last deadline]".

    Yes, with your configuration Fire does not enforce deadlines in the sense that you expected, but it is not a bug. I can see how this can be confusing, so perhaps Fire should show a warning if the first deadline is set to empty.

  2. n_a_d reporter

    The UI states that "No submission or re-submission will be allowed after [the final deadline]." The instructions for the first deadline state that "a student who submitted at least once before this deadline will be allowed to re-submit until the final deadline", and "Leave empty if you don't want a deadline for the first submission".

    I have a hard time seeing how this can be classified as "not a bug".

  3. Evgeny Kotelnikov
    • changed status to open

    After re-reading your comments I realised that there is indeed a bug. If the first deadline is empty, the final deadline must be enforced for first submissions as long as for resubmissions. The fix is coming.

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