Students are not able to download submitted files

Issue #28 resolved
Evgeny Kotelnikov created an issue

Nginx error when try to download submitted file as a student. Downloading as a grader works.

Part of the error message in the log:

Apr 10 11:24:35 xdat09 uwsgi[282]: File "/home/fire_datastructures/.fire-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fire/views/", line 190, in student_download_file
Apr 10 11:24:35 xdat09 uwsgi[282]: fileinfo = next((f for f in fs['files'] if f['name'] == filename), None)
Apr 10 11:24:35 xdat09 uwsgi[282]: File "/home/fire_datastructures/.fire-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fire/views/", line 190, in <genexpr>
Apr 10 11:24:35 xdat09 uwsgi[282]: fileinfo = next((f for f in fs['files'] if f['name'] == filename), None)
Apr 10 11:24:35 xdat09 uwsgi[282]: TypeError: 'FileMetadata' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

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