Reply to student congratulates them

Issue #65 resolved
Dan Rosén created an issue

The reply mail is too informal. It should not say "Congratulations". It should say:

Your submission has been Accepted.

I want the automated mail to be formal. If the grader wants to have an informal relationship with the students, they can be so in the reply box. But now, as TAs, we are forced to be happy and cheerful and say congratulations.

Comments (3)

  1. Pablo Buiras

    The word "congratulations" is by no means informal, so it is hardly ever inappropriate. However, it is true that it's cheerful and I reckon that some people might want to convey a more neutral mood in Fire notification emails. So, instead of forcing one style or the other, maybe we should just be able to customise these messages (for accepting and rejecting submissions) on a per instance basis?

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