Submission report for students that are in a group

Issue #99 resolved
H E created an issue

In the administration view, when you look at a "Submission report" for one specific student all links to their submissions are based on their email address like this : https://fire/2015/lp2/COURSE/admin/labs/1/submissions/

This is not a valid link if a submission should be done in a group and the student is a member of group X. The valid link is like this : https://fire/2015/lp2/COURSE/admin/labs/1/submissions/groupX

Comments (5)

  1. Evgeny Kotelnikov

    This is not true. The link is constructed based on whether the lab is group or individual. For a course with labs of both type, both kinds of links are displayed on the student info page.

  2. H E reporter

    I tried it again on current cryptography instance and it returned the following error message. Is it fixed in the current version ?

    404 Not Found
    The resource could not be found.

    Let me explain it in a better way. If I look at a student submission from here it works fine

    However when I want to grade a student submission like : I cannot look at the other submissions that the student has done in a group.

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