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3D Reconstruction / Recording Instruction for Kinect

To record while the rgbdslam is running:

Option 1:

$ rosbag record camera/depth_registered/image_raw camera/depth_registered/camera_info camera/rgb/image_raw camera/rgb/camera_info --duration=5m -O kinect

Recording these particular topics create bag files at the rate of roughly 8.7MB/sec (521.7MB/min; 31.3GB/hr). You can play back the files following instructions here.

Option 2:

$ rosbag record camera/rgb/image_rect_color camera/rgb/camera_info camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/image_rect_raw --duration=5m -O kinect

Recording these particular topics create bag files at the rate of roughly 10.8 MB/sec (653.1MB/min; 39.2GB/hr). You can play back the files as if you are running with a kinect.

Useful flags:

--duration (Specify the maximum duration of the recorded bag file.)

$ rosbag record --duration=30

$ rosbag record --duration=5m

--limit (Only record NUM messages on each topic)

$ rosbag record --limit=1000

Please refer to ros commandline recording for more availiable flags and what each flags do.
