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user-importer-lite / User Importer Lite


User Importer Lite Plugin that helps you to import the Users and their details from a CSV file with few clicks.

  1. Admin can import the data's from any csv file.
  2. Import unlimited user data's with few clicks.
  3. Help details button will help to get the user role id.

Note: Your CSV headers should have the separate columns for the following

  • uil_user_name
  • uil_first_name
  • uil_last_name
  • uil_nick_name
  • uil_email_id
  • uil_role
  • uil_website_name
  • uil_aim_id
  • uil_yahoo_id
  • uil_gtalk_id
  • uil_bio_information

Important Note: Your CSV must have columns for "uil_user_name", "uil_email_id", "uil_role". These are mandatory field in default. Otherwise UIL Importer won't consider your CSV when you try to import.


User Importer Lite is very easy to install like any other wordpress plugin. No need to edit or modify anything here.

  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file ''.
  2. Upload the ' user-importer-lite ' directory to '/plugins/' directory using ftp client or upload and install through plugin install wizard in wp admin panel
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. After activating, you will see an option for 'User Importer Lite' in the admin menu.
  5. You can import the csv files to import the data's as users with few clicks.


Admin Settings Admin settings for User Importer Lite Plugin .

User Roles Get the User role and role id from the help.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why User Importer Lite?

This plugin supports to import bulk user data.

  1. How to install the plugin?

User Importer Lite is easy to install like other plugins. Upload the file through plugin install page through wp admin. Everything will work fine with it.

  1. How to use the plugin?

After plugin activation you can see the ' User Importer Lite ' menu in admin backend.

  • Browse your csv file to import the data's.

Important Note: Your CSV must have columns for "uil_user_name", "uil_email_id", "uil_role". These are mandatory field in default. Otherwise UIL Importer won't consider your CSV when you try to import.

  1. How to create/edit csv file? Use MS Excel is better to convert/create from any spred sheet details like excel.

  2. How should the csv file look like? Get the sample csv file from the plugin folder. ( sample.csv )
