
DavidC minibar-installation

Created by David Cuddihy

File minibar-installation.markdown Added

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+Minibar Installation
+* You need an Ubuntu 1404 machine with an `ubuntu` user with sudo privileges.
+1. [Install Docker](
+2. Make sure your user `ubuntu` is in the docker group: `sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu`
+3. Unpack fbsys.tgz.
+4. `cd fbsys`
+5. Choose a host-directory to
+5. `./install`
+6. `./run`
+The system should be up and running.  You can confirm by running `docker ps`. This should produce a result like this:
+CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
+75e95c27bb09        cuddihyd/fbsysweb    "/usr/sbin/apache2 -D"   2 seconds ago       Up 1 seconds>80/tcp   fbsysweb.5045
+5cd7273ab6b9        cuddihyd/fbsyscron   "/usr/sbin/cron -f"      2 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds                                fbsyscron.5045
+c51c82cfefd8        cuddihyd/rfh         "/bin/bash -c ./reut-"   3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds                                rfh.5045
+You should be able to access the data-tree through a browser at `http://<hostname>:2080/`. (If running on a VM, don't forget to map this using NAT).
+Stopping the system
+To stop the system you'll want to run the program `./stop`.

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