Browser login window not closing

Issue #70 resolved
Laszlo Van Oudenhove created an issue
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Arch: x86_64
  • Browser engine: Internet Explorer

The browser login window does not close although the login is successful and the device id is set.

Comments (9)

  1. Marlin Cremers

    I was not able to reproduce the error. This might require me to take a look at it through TeamViewer for example. I need to know that the browser login code can see that the browser went to the success page.

  2. Martijn Vriessen

    In the preferences windows when I click on relogin. The login window opens. Then I click on Login Using Facebook. Then the page says "Succes" and stays that way until you close the login screen. (Commit da692c9 Developer version.)

  3. Marlin Cremers

    Like I said earlier I'm not able to reproduce the error even by following the steps taken by @Geheim49 . So I guess this is a Windows specific issue. This requires some more research.

  4. Marlin Cremers

    The browser login now also checks the url on the 'changed' event which fixed issue #70

    The browser login only responded to a successful login if the url was passed to the 'changing' event but Internet Explorer used the 'changed' event. The browser login also uses the 'changed' event to see if the login was successful which resolved it.

    → <<cset 04bd4653afbc>>

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