
Issue #76 resolved
Laszlo Van Oudenhove created an issue

Have a history activity to see what you have perviously copied and pasted perhaps a slide menu in android

Comments (6)

  1. Marlin Cremers

    Added a history to the Android client which resolves issue #76

    Added a history in place of the login button on the dashboard. The history adds a entry to the list when something is pulled, pushed, share to another app and shared from another app. It contains the content that was used, the date and it also uses the dashboard icons to show the user the action that it relates to.

    In order to make this I had to use a SQLite database and created a adapter for the history list. In order to log the events to the history I've added database inserts into the pull, push, share to app and receive from app tasks.

    → <<cset 7477cf5cc829>>

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