App still locked when JVM terminated

Issue #79 resolved
Laszlo Van Oudenhove created an issue

When the JVM gets terminated the lock file still exists because it can't remove it anymore.

Comments (11)

  1. Marlin Cremers

    This is not really a Windows related issue. This is caused if the JVM gets terminated incorrectly. But Windows does indeed terminate the JVM when shutting down. This is incorrect behaviour on the Windows side. This requires some thinking.

  2. Martijn Vriessen

    So we should have another way that the app won't start twice. But we don't have a .lock file anymore... That would be great. Maybe checking if the process isn't already running?

  3. Marlin Cremers

    Replaced the application lock system which fixes issue #79

    The previous lock mechanism didn't work as well because it just used a lock file. The app would still think its running if the JVM was terminated. This was because the lock file woudn't be removed. This is now fixed by running a little local server that listeners for connections if the app is running. The app then checks if the app is running by checking if it can connect to the server using the port specified in the new lock file.

    → <<cset 97c3baba208b>>

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