The exit button doesn't actually exit the process and leaves the app in the notification bar

Issue #90 resolved
Sietse created an issue

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Comments (8)

  1. Martijn Vriessen

    What do you mean with leaves with the app in the notification bar? Because it doesn't shut down. And I can't get the menu back. It just sits there doing nothing. @sietse @Marlinc

  2. Sietse reporter

    If I right click the icon in the tray bar and press exit. The process won't actually stop and the icon is still there. Rightclicking again doesn't work though.

  3. Marlin Cremers

    Changed the syncing thread and lock thread to daemon mode which fixes issue #90

    The syncing thread and the application lock thread now both run in daemon mode. This caused the those threads to stop together with the main thread.

    → <<cset 2c0127942f84>>

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