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MangaDLR / Series

The list shows a static (preloaded) list of series available on the source. You can filter the list by name.

1. Press this button to filter the list by name.1. Enter a filter criteria
2. Close the filter.
3. List filtered with your criteria.
In the list of series, press about 1 second a series (until the color of the toolbar changes). You can then press series to select or unselect them.

1. Bookmark the selected series.
2. The series selected are highlighted.

Press the left arrow to quit this mode.

If you press a series, the list of chapters will be loaded. In download mode, you can press a chapter to select it (or unselect it). In read online mode, pressing a chapter open the viewer.

1. This button add the selected chapters in the download queue.
2. Add the selected chapters in the queue as a single output file. If the chapters 1 to 4 are selected, you'll get a file like mymanga containing the 4 chapters.
3. Add all chapters not marked as downloaded (green background) in the queue.
4. Add a range of chapters in the queue. You'll have to specify the first and the last chapter of the range and all chapters between them will be added in the queue.
5. Overflow menu containing menu item that cannot be displayed in the toolbar.
6.Series name.
7. Tab containing the list of chapters.
8. Tab showing the series info (name, author, tags, ...)
9. List of chapters.
In the overflow menu, you can select if you want the download mode or the read online mode.

1. Sort chapters.
2. In read online mode, the toolbar is blue (green in download mode). Pressing a chapter will not select it but open the reader.
