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there is a "fork" of feat for morphological annotation, the goal is to eventually bring these projects together, creating an annotation platform with plugins for various tasks, but we are far from that.
Flexible Error Annotation Tool (feat) is an environment for layered error annotation of learners corpora. (There are also experimental plugins for morphological and syntactic annotation).
The document and its annotation are stored in several files, some of them optional:
- document.b.xml - Level 2 - the second level of corrections
- document.a.xml - Level 1 - the first level of corrections
- document.w.xml - Level 0 - segmented text with all editing changes applied
- document.html - formatted transcribed version of the document (optional)
- document.jpg - scan of the original document (optional)
These files are interlinked: Level 2 refers to Level 1, Level 1 to Level 0 and Level 0 to the hml and jpg documents. Because of this, do not rename the files, as it would break the links. Typically, you will open the file containing Level 2, the other files are opened automatically (assuming they are in the same directory).
- Drawing lines: Click the source of a line and Ctrl-drag to the target. Lines can be drawn from a form to a form, a form to a relation center (the place where legs of a relation meet), a relation center to a form, a relation center with a particular error to another relation center.
- Context menus work on most objects. They allow you to edit/delete/insert forms, split/merge sentence, delete relation legs, etc.
- Initially, Level 2 is empty and therefore nothing is visible of it. To add a new sentence to Level 2, right-click the sentence on Level 1 and select "Copy to Higher Layer".
Note that you need to specify a profile before you can start any annotation:
- open any document in the feat format (i.e.,
; go to CzeSL-man for samples) - in the document toolbar, on the right, select a profile
- wait a minute or two (for CzeSL, we are compiling Czech spellcheck dictinaries; this is done just once)
Currently, the only way to add a new profile is to add a new feat module. IT is not hard, but requires coding in Java. Contact us, if you need help with it.
- Manual (in Czech)
- Manual in Google docs (in English, in very early stages of development)
Annotation of Czech in the Czesl project
- Hana et al 2010 - describes the basics of the annotation scheme
- Transcription - we wouldn't do it this way anymore. We still think that the conceptual part is good (what we transcribe), but the technical implementation is wrong (we used MS-word and ad-hoc format to make life easier for transcribers, we should have used xml to prevent formal errors and make further processing manageable). Transcription of hand-written documents (in Czech) update (in Czech) ** Summary (in English)
- Annotation of Czech (in Czech)
The code is published under the MIT License. In short: You can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright. Also, we are not responsible for anything.
See the full license text here and this page for a synopsis.
We use several libraries with their own licenses.
- Make sure you have Java Runtime Environment Version 8 installed. You can use this online test to determine it.
- Download the latest feat version from the Downloads section of this web.
- Unpack the file to a directory of your choice.
- If using MS Windows: Run feat/bin/feat.exe (you can right-click the file and send it as a shortcut to the desktop).
- If using Linux: Run feat/bin/feat
- Run update (Help > Check for Updates) after installation. Note: The updates are unsigned, you can ignore warnings about that.
Reporting Errors
If you encounter any errors, please report them to me (jirka dot hana at gmail dot com). Start the subject of the email with "feat" and if possible include the following with the report:
- log. This is how to get it on windows:
Choose View > IDE Log in the menu. The IDE Log window opens. Click in the window and press Ctrl+A, then press Ctrl+C Switch to your email program and use Ctrl+V to past the log to the email.
- If relevant, screenshot of the application. For capturing screenshots on Windows, see this guide.
Beta Update Center #
To enable Update Centers with Beta updates:
- In the menu, select Tools > Plugins. A Plugins dialog appears.
- Switch to the Settings tab.
- Check the checkbox next to Feat Beta Update Center 2. Leave the other checkboxes unchanged.
- Click the Close button.
Note that beta updates are more likely to contain bugs than standard updates.
Development of this application has been supported by:
the European Social Fund and the government of the Czech Republic within the operational programme 'Education for Competitiveness' as a part of the project 'Innovation in Education in the Field of Czech as a Second Language' (project no. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0259), and
the Grant Agency Czech Republic (project ID: P406/10/P328, 16-10185S).