
Clone wiki

BadMooD / Controls

Primary controls:

  • move: arrow keys (left & right = strafe or sidestep)
  • aim: mouse
  • shoot: left mousebutton
  • use item: right mousebutton, spacebar

Most of the game controls/keys can be set via the default.cfg file but some are tied to the menus 3D engine.

 F4:      ydetail toggle (chunky scanlines = optimal on RGB monitors)
 F5:      xdetail toggle (chunky pixels = optimal on VGA monitors)
 F8:      flat shading modes (none, floors, walls, floors+walls)
 F10:     end game, return to titles
 ESC:     open menus
 '-':     shrink viewport
 '+':     increase viewport

Some cheats:

 ídmusXY: select music track XY ingame e.g. 'idmus04' 'idmus12' 'idmusa6'
 ídmus00: select music track at random

Note: since v1.02, idmusXY allows keys A-F in the 'X' column to extend beyond 100 tracks, especially for the MIDI player which has access to a longer track list!

 ídclevXY: jump straight to episode X, mission Y
