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#Calculator Pi# Calculator Pi is a simple text input calculator, inspired by Windows XP PowerToys Power Calculator and TI graphing calculators. Simply type in your math expression and press enter.
##Current features##
- Basic operations
2+3=5, 5-2=3, 2*3=6, 6/2=3
- Exponentiation
- Order of operations
- Parentheses
- Constants
pi, tau, phi, e
- Answer preview
displays current answer while typing
- History recall
up/down arrow keys
- Answer preview
displays answer while typing
##Future enhancements##
- Functions
- Custom variables
x=5, x+2=7
- Syntax highlighting
different colors for numbers, operators, and variables
- Color themes
orange might not be for everyone
- Windows Desktop Free download!
- Windows Store
- Windows Phone