Adjusting mouse settings in game

Issue #112 resolved
Former user created an issue

Adjusting the mouse settings while ingame running on the linux error prevents the mouse from moving the full 360 degrees when you return to the game.

Comments (47)

  1. FragUPlenty

    Update - This actually occurs every time a menu option is changed. I am running Ubuntumate 15.04

  2. Purkkaviritys

    I think this is probably a Ubuntu specific bug in Ubuntu and derivatives. It doesn't happen in pure Debian or in Fedora. Are you running the game in windowed mode? Or in a Virtual screen? Can you provide any additional details?

  3. FragUPlenty

    I am running the game in fullscreen mode at 1920 x 1080 resolution. Vsync and Async are off.

    I have a Pentium G3258 at 3.2ghz Geforce GTX 960 12gb RAM

    Keyboard is Logitech G710 and mouse is Logitech G602

    Linux kernel version 3.19.0-26-generic

    the version of daikatana I am running is Dec 30 2014 build

    Mouse smoothing is on Mouse sensitivity is 7

  4. Purkkaviritys

    You have to update to a newer build of Linux version. The Dec 30 2014 build is broken at least in Fedora's latest versions. Get the latest Linux beta (which is at the moment 18-Apr-2015) from here:

    Oh and one more thing. You probably don't want to use the G602 with the highest DPI and polling rate. There has been some problems with that in past in Windows but I don't know if that's an issue in Linux. Mara or Knightmare can probably give an educated guess on why sometimes the mouse movement is really horrible in really high DPI and high polling rate gaming mouses in Windows. I haven't experienced that issue but I've had some DK playing contacts to come and tell me that they've had issue with mouse when polling rate is like higher than 1000Hz and DPI is higher than 3500.

  5. Frank Sapone

    I don't own any mice with ridiculous levels of polling and dpi rates.. This is might sound silly, but do you have a PS/2 port? Does your mouse have a PS/2 adapter and can it plug it in to it?

    If not do you have an old wired USB mouse that uses a reflective LED you could test?

    If not, on any of these can you set the rate limit to like 100 and see what happens?

  6. Frank Sapone

    Does it occurs only when you fool with the menu or if you start the game and enter it immediately?

    If it always happens regardless of entering the menu can you test out Yamagi Quake 2 and see if you have the same problem there?

  7. Frank Sapone

    Also, i dont know about any one else, but I find mouse filtering to be useless and can causes some input issues. Might be worth trying to disable that via the menu or by typing m_filter 0 in the console.

  8. FragUPlenty

    If I enter the game immediately I do not get the mouse bug it is only after accessing the menu that I get the bug.

    Typing m_filter 0 in the console had no affect on the mouse bug. Yamagi quake 2 5.21 works flawlessly on my system.

  9. Frank Sapone

    Okay, is it only if you access the menu just by simply entering it or does a setting have to change?

  10. Frank Sapone

    Can you manually adjust sensitivity via the console in-game by typing "sensitivity <value>" and have it work as intended?

  11. Frank Sapone

    I thought of something... check the values for m_pitch, m_yaw, and m_side after the issue happens in the console and report what they say to me.

    Try manually typing m_pitch 0.022, m_yaw 0.022, and m_side 1 for these values in the console in-game after the issue happens and let me know if it resolves the problem.

  12. Purkkaviritys

    That's not a mouse bug. That's a bug in a window manager. You cannot move the mouse outside the window borders in some window managers. What's the desktop environment you're using? Try playing the game in a windowed mode and report if the problem persists.

  13. Frank Sapone

    He's saying it happens as soon as he simply enters the mouse menu, so it may be a value being truncated for the pitch/yaw values which if they are 0 will make it so you are unable to turn around properly with the mouse. But, let's wait and see what he says about the values reported from console before we blame their code :)

  14. FragUPlenty

    The desktop environment I am using is Mate which is sorta like gnome 2

    I did an update last night I am now at


  15. FragUPlenty

    When the bug occurs m_pitch has changed to 0.017146

    m_yaw has also changed itself to 0.017146 when the bug occurs

    I also just noticed that running the game in windowed mode makes everything work flawlessly.

    as long as you re enter the menu after you go into windowed mode.

    So it seems to be a bug with fullscreen mode on some distributions after you enter the menu.

  16. Frank Sapone

    I've only ever properly tested DK 1.3 Linux on GDM3. Can you test it on there and verify the issue?

  17. Purkkaviritys

    I'm thinking of distribution specific differences. I am not sure but I probably saw this particular thing happen in an older DK Linux build in Gnome 3 and with Fedora 20 or 21. But I'm fairly sure it has never happened to me in Debian versions I've ran the DK in.

    My personal opinion about Ubutun and its derivatives is that they're usually full of weird glitches which often times aren't fixed.

    The MATE is not just a "like Gnome 2". MATE is a Gnome 2 derivative DE. It uses Metacity as its WM. I don't see how changing display manager to GDM3 will help.

    I'd probably try to see if running it in xfwm4, kwin or blackbox or something changes the behaviour. I run DK in KDE and XFCE and it has worked flawlessly in both of them.

  18. Frank Sapone

    Caedes told me to recommend you try the latest 32-bit build of SDL2 and see if the issue persists.

  19. Purkkaviritys

    Trying the latest 32-bit SDL2 is actually very good idea. There are SDL2 PPA's for Ubuntu which should be compatible with the Ubuntumate since it's one of the officially supported derivatives of Ubuntu.

  20. Purkkaviritys

    Try installing and running the game in XFCE desktop environment. I'm installing current Debian packaged Gnome 3 desktop environment to see if it causes issues with latest DK build.

    Oh and guys, please. "GDM" stands for "Gnome Display Manager". It isn't same as "Gnome Desktop Environment". GDM is the login manager you see before entering into the desktop environment.

  21. Purkkaviritys

    Ok. Then try upgrading the SDL like was suggested.

    I wasn't able to make that mouse window border thing happen in Gnome 3. But I discovered another interesting thing. Running the Daikatana in Gnome 3 with Intel HD4000 crashes the Metacity and causes Gnome 3 to throw me back to the GDM login screen.

    When I ran the DK with the Bumblebee bridge in a virtual window with nVidia NVS 5400M things worked like they should work. One more thing to consider is that I used my Thinkpad's trackpad and trackpoint when moving the viewpoint. I need to test it with an actual mouse later.

  22. Purkkaviritys

    If you're not afraid of the console you could use the apt-src for compiling your own libsdl2 from Debian's sources and then install those dpkgs by hand. That way you'd have exactly same sdl as I have.

  23. Daniel Gibson

    Am 05.09.2015 um 17:06 schrieb Purkkaviritys:

    Just try the binaries I built (see Frank's link; they're based on much more recent code than whatever debian or Ubuntu supply) and tell us if that helps.

  24. Daniel Gibson

    Awesome! Will update the libSDL2 bundled with the game sometime (probably in 8 days or so). Cheers!

  25. Daniel Gibson

    Ok, I only read the notification E-Mail and now saw your updated post in the bugtracker, if it's still not fixed I'll have to try to reproduce it later.. won't have time for that for at least one week though.

  26. FragUPlenty

    Ok once you are ready if you need to know any specific versions of packages I have installed I can provide them to you

  27. Daniel Gibson

    What distribution are you using? Any custom updates you made to it?

    Could I just reproduce the problem with a current Linux Mint MATE Edition?

  28. Purkkaviritys

    It could be a Ubuntu-related bug in which case it will also be in Mint since Mint is a Ubuntu derivate. Ubuntu has all these weird bugs which usually never get fixed. I'd suggest that Aaron tries latest stable Debian. I'm using it (among Fedora and few others) and I haven't experienced this issue. Debian's live installer (slightly depends on install media also) allows installing Mate as a default desktop instead of the Gnome 3 so that shouldn't be a problem either.

  29. Daniel Gibson

    I'm using Linux Mint (but with XFCE; but also used Mint KDE for some time) without any problems and I think telling people what distro to use to fix their problems is a bad idea - even more so if that distro is as commonly used as Ubuntu.

    However, to reproduce the problem it'd be nice if I could just install some distro and run daikatana - without having to install lots of packages (possibly from PPAs) or something, thus the question about Mint MATE.

    Oh, I just noticed you wrote above that you use Ubuntumate 15.04, missed that before, sorry. Will try that when I find some time.

  30. Purkkaviritys

    I just got the new Linux build. Before I go into specifics I probably should note that I've binded togglequickconsole into p key on my keyboard. That's because I have Finnish keyboard layout and traditionally pressing the key between esc, 1, and tab in left top corner of the keyboard doesn't reliably open quickconsole in linux. The game now opens the fullscreen console when pressing the key between esc, 1 and tab.

    I managed to make this mouse look area in-game is restricted to the size of the game window bug trigger in Fedora fairly often by doing following:

    • I open the game and do whatever new single-player, join multi-player or create new multi-player game.
    • Once I'm in the game it'll work normally and so on.
    • But if I press togglequickconsole and instead of closing it (by pressing key between esc, 1 and tab) press esc to go into main menu and then esc again to go into the game this bug tends to trigger.
    • It also seems to trigger if I open the togglequickconsole then move to fullscreen console and then go into main menu and then press esc again to return the game

    The result is that the mouse look area in game will be restricted to area you can move mouse cursor it in the main menu which is roughly the size of the window.

    I even managed to unlock it few times by just opening and closing the quick console, console and main menu when I switched between them fast enough. (On an unrelated note, sometimes the background music also restarts when doing this.)

    I also tested the previous Linux build. It has this issue but it was more difficult to trigger. But it's definitely tied into the togglequickconsole and main menu. Also going through "start a new multi-player game" menu seems to be slightly more reliable way to trigger it.

    Edit: I just had a long streak of not being able to trigger it by just going normal single-player game from the menu and doing the thing. So it might take more than a few tries. I need to try this again next weekend time I have time to play around. It's 2AM here and I need to get to sleep.

  31. FragUPlenty

    Just installed ubuntumate 14.04 lts on my laptop and the bug is present on that as well even though it is an earlier version.

    Specs on laptop AMD A10 APU with 8160 graphics 8gb DDR3 RAM Ubuntumate 14.04 lts AMD FGLRX drivers are installed for the graphics

  32. FragUPlenty

    Update: the bug is not present when you start a normal single player game.

    In order to recreate the bug everytime start a multiplayer cooperative game then after the game loads enter a menu and go back to the game. The mouse bug will be present. I was used to starting a multiplayer coop game to disable the sidekicks and just tonight I noticed that there is an option in singleplayer to disable them.

    Also I tested on the 32bit version of ubuntu as well and discovered that the bug is present in that as well.

  33. Daniel Gibson

    Grab mouse when leaving menu, hopefully fixes #112

    No idea why the mouse ever was ungrabbed there. I'm also not sure why the code mostly worked and sometimes not, maybe some kind of race condition with "mouseactive" and friends.

    At least now it seems to work on Linux and according to Maraakate it still works on Windows.

    → <<cset 9cc456cbba88>>

  34. Daniel Gibson
    • changed status to open

    I guess this should stay open until new binaries are out.

    BTW, how to reproduce: Start any multiplayer game, go into menu, move mouse outside of window, press Escape to go back to game. Most of the time, the mouse will not be properly caught.

  35. Daniel Gibson

    new binaries are out, so the fix should be available now for everyone, please test (and reopen if problems persist) :-)

    I also updated the bundled libSDL2 to 2.0.4 (the latest release from this January)

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