Mac support?

Issue #121 resolved
Ian Obst created an issue

The project home page says that there was supposed to be support for Mac OS X. However, there has yet to be any news on a release of a Mac version or any information about it. Is this still planned, or has Mac support been scrapped?

Comments (29)

  1. Frank Sapone

    There was a very limited working build (crashes randomly) but work hasn't been done to it in almost a year.

  2. Daniel Gibson

    Awesome, try

    You'll need the data/ directory from a 1.2 installation (see )

    Unzip the archive linked above (double click it..) and start the that'll be extracted.
    On first start of that app you'll get a filepicker to select the Daikatana data/ directory. Do that. Afterwards the game starts.

    Have fun! :-)

  3. Ian Obst reporter

    Thanks! Currently redownloading Daikatana from GOG, but their downloads are ridiculously slow right now. I'll start testing it as soon as I can.

  4. Daniel Gibson

    cool, thanks a lot!

    one more interesting thing would be the OS X version you're using.

    (reports til now: I tested a bit on an old crappy macbook on 10.6, someone else reported it works with 10.10)

  5. Frank Sapone

    Cool. Glad to see you can at least get to e1m1b. I heard that the original code was crashing on e1m1a after a few moments.

  6. Ian Obst reporter

    I put the OS version in a few minutes ago. But I'll put it here for "records". OS - Mac OS X 10.11.2

  7. Ian Obst reporter

    Okay, first bit of testing showed quite a bit to go off of, it seems. So far into Sewer System part 2. The majority of what I observed is in the report I linked you to. But the gist of it is that the game runs and plays fine for the most part. There are bugs in the video and credits menus, and loading a save in-game will immediately cause an error that's only solved by restarting the game. But in terms of controls and the gameplay, it seems fine from what I've played so far. No random crashing to desktop, no engine (graphic) bugs. Just the menus and loading saves so far. I'll continue testing tomorrow. Hope this helps you guys, and I'll get more information and progress tomorrow.

  8. Ian Obst reporter

    So is there word on an update to the Mac version? I tried going back to it. However, it's difficult to make any kind of progress with the errors when loading a save.

  9. Frank Sapone

    If htr returns then more progress can be made. However, I believe caedes can make a new cross-compile with the updated protocol in the upcoming weeks.

  10. Daniel Gibson

    @HiroMiyamoto a new OSX build is available, linked on the Download page.

    Sorry it took so long, I hope you like it anyway :-)

  11. Ian Obst reporter

    No apologies necessary. I get that it can take time to hammer out problems, and working between three operating systems can make it more difficult.

    Playing through it right now, and I'm happy to say that I haven't hit a single error or problem. Thanks for the support with this.

  12. Daniel Gibson


    I briefly tried to reproduce your crematorium problem (cheating into the map and saving+loading) and it didn't seem to happen, so hopefully it's fixed.

  13. Ian Obst reporter

    The build is working great so far. Currently at Dungeon in episode 3 (e3m3b) with no crashes or anything. However, there does seem to be a bug with the sound, and I've noticed it throughout each episode so far. Randomly, weapon sounds will just not play. While other sounds (music and dialogue) seem to continue without error, weapon sounds will just not play at random times.

  14. Daniel Gibson

    hmm can you somehow narrow this down?

    would be nice to know where I can reproduce this easily for testing (what level, ideally where in that level/in what situation)

  15. Ian Obst reporter

    One place that it was very noticeable was in Medusa's Level in episode 2. The sound issue itself, where weapon sounds cut out, doesn't have a pattern to it. It just seems like it cuts out after a few minutes of playing.

    It also becomes very noticeable at the Dungeons in episode 3 (specifically the starting lava area of e3m3b).

  16. Ian Obst reporter

    If it helps at all, I made recordings of two instances where weapon and enemy sounds cut out. The first is from Dungeons part 3, where enemy and weapon sounds disappear entirely. The second is from Lair of Medusa part 4, where the sounds go from not playing to playing once you cross a point on the map.

    Dungeons part 3: Medusa:

    (Just a real quick apology about the quality. They were recorded on my phone in a tired rush, while also trying to control the game. However, you should be able to see and hear that the sounds don't play.)

  17. Daniel Gibson

    we didn't have time for debugging yet, but thanks for the videos :-)

    do you know which exact map that is (like "e2m4a" or whatever), so we can easily get there by using the console's map command? (for example "Lair of Medusa" consists of E2M5A, E2M5B, .., E2M5E)

  18. Daniel Gibson

    I was able to reproduce and fix the sound problem (also on Linux).

    Will hopefully release new binaries soonish, will look into some other issues first.

  19. Ian Obst reporter

    Tested, and everything appears fine. I tested both of the maps I mentioned, as well as some other maps, and the sound worked just fine.

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