Spanish Language Pack: Full of German voices, missing audios, etc.

Issue #196 wontfix
Lukas ThyWalls created an issue

I was playing for the first time to Daikatana with this patch and all the packs and patches in Spanish and i don't have any mayor issues until e1m3a.

When i reach the first 6 cells, in one of the last two one prisoner said something (To open the cells and all this). I show the text in English (Screenshot) but the voice seems to be German. Until this all the voices are in Spanish (at least all the main voices, i can't concrete with some background voices, but they are not a mayor issue) and all the text i see are in Spanish (although, there isn't a lot subtitles of that kind, but i don't remember anything wrong until this) [EDIT: This issue will be only about the voices. To talk about the text missing go here]

With that i tried to look that audio file in the Daikatana\data\sounds\voices\ folder (the original one was renamed, this is from the language pack). I realized it's full sounds of Spanish and German dialogues, not only Spanish ones. For example, in the Misc folder, all the e1m3 files from prisoner, workers, armedguard and other are in German. There are mixed with other Spanish audio files, and, sometimes there are both versions of the files: For example in the Ebihara folder there are an e1m1_ebi_01.mp3 and an e1m1_ebi_1_b.mp3, what both seems the same dialogue, first one in Spanish and the second one in German (i can't be sure of the second, because i don't know german, but it seems to be). There isn't all the voices in German, but for sure there isn't all the voices in Spanish too.

I don't know if this is because the Spanish version was not fully dubbed, i doubt because in the Misc folder there are voices from soldiers, doctors, and others in spanish, but in that case i don't know why the voices are in German and not English, the original language. Maybe it was a mistake putting the files from the original CD in the language pack. Or something related with the 1.3 patch (the english text could be related with that, but not with the voices).

I have the game (From GOG) fully 1.3 patched and it is set to Spanish in config.

Comments (12)

  1. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    When i liberate SuperFly, the console began to show Warnings about missing files:

    S_StartMP3() Warning: Can't find file sounds/voices/superfly/super_01.mp3
    S_StartMP3() Warning: Can't find file sounds/voices/superfly/super_27.mp3
    S_StartMP3() Warning: Can't find file sounds/voices/superfly/super_28.mp3
    S_StartMP3() Warning: Can't find file sounds/voices/superfly/sid_s_amb_hello2.mp3
    S_StartMP3() Warning: Can't find file sounds/voices/superfly/sid_s_amblong_geez1.mp3
  2. Frank Sapone

    The spanish port by Proein is very half-assed. It originally contained binaries in the patch file (!). It's possible it was based on the german translation and not even cleaned up properly.

    I made the language pack by installing Spanish 1.0, applying the patch to it then using a diff utility to find what was changed between english and spanish.

    I can look over and see if I somehow merged something incorrectly, but it was only compared to English version as far as I can remember.

  3. Frank Sapone

    I'll take a look sometime soon, but it's not going to be right away I'm a bit busy with other stuff at the moment.

  4. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    Thanks, but i edited the topic because i was doing some research using my very old copy of Daikatana Spanish release to help and i found very interesting things i want to share...

    For context: i keep in my main computer Daikatana with the patch 1.3 and the Spanish pack translation, based in the GOG 1.2 version, but in another computer with Windows XP i tried an very old copy of the Daikatana Spanish release, to view how it works with the original 1.0 release and with the 1.2 patch, to trying to extract some files from there.

    • First, i test the original 1.0 version. There are missing A LOT of voices. For example, in the intro, Hiro doesn't have any voice, only subtitles, meanwhile Ebihara is talking in Spanish and with subtitles in spanish too without any missing line. Other example, i search the SuperFly liberation phrases and i only find the first one, and the others are missing. The Data/Sounds/Voices/Misc amount of files is a bit ridiculous compared with the "1.3" Translation Pack. But at least all of them seems to be in Spanish, i listen a lot of them and all are in Spanish.

    • When testing i did a lucky mistake what show me a problem. When i was using 1.0 i uninstalled it for error, and i see it keeps a lot of files in the Daikatana folder, some in the voices folder. Before uninstall there are some files, not all like i said, but all with a normal filename. After the uninstall, SOME, not all, the files what are in the folders are still there, but renamed with the DOS format filename (like FILEN~01.mp3). I will attach two screen from the Data/Sound/Voices/Mikiko folder to show this, before and after the uninstall. It's important because maybe is some know error triggered by my setup and for sure it's related with the next thing.

    • I installed Daikatana and put the 1.2 Spanish patch. It added a lot of things, but in the intro Hiro stills doesn't have any voice in Spanish, exactly like with 1.0. When i search in the voices folder, i see a lot of new files, and like Frank said, some of them are in German, and that the source of the german voices. But at the same time, there are some new Spanish voices too, and more important, all of them are using the DOS filename format (the FILEN~01.mp3). I will attach two screen, both from the Data/Sound/Voices/Misc folder, to view the difference with the filenames. This filenames are not only in the Sound folder, in Data appears too a SUBTI~01 empty folder, an exe with that kind of filename and things like that. For that i think i did something wrong, there are some kind of incompatibility or anything with the installer and patch, because i can't believe the patch was shipped like that. Or maybe it was, with this game you can't know. Maybe anyone knows something. Anyway, the game works, and i have been able to test that the event with the prisoner in e1m3a explained in the beggining of the first message of this issue, in Daikatana 1.2 Spanish release doesn't happen at all.

    I did some copies of the the Daikatana Data/Sound folder for 1.0, after the 1.0 uninstall, and with the 1.2 Spanish patch to have the original spanish sounds, but with that problem of the DOS filename-kind you can't know what file is what compared with the "1.3" Spanish translation pack. And the Hiro voices for the intro are there in "1.3", and for that they should be somewhere in the 1.0/1.2 sounds folders too, so maybe should be a lot of other voices in Spanish, but maybe there are missing some and that would be a shame, because for sure that voices were recorded at some point.

    But anyway, if first someone can help me with that DOS filename-kind problem, maybe i can do more research after that and view what files are and what file aren't there.

  5. Frank Sapone

    Well you noticed what I said about the binary files the patch adds. The proein 1.2 patch for spanish is that fucked up. You can try and open each one individually and compare to english to find out what the filenames were. It's going to be some work. I don't know spanish so I can't really help you with that... but if you fix it, please submit updated folders to me and I will make a new language pack.

  6. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    I do this because when you said it can be the patch, and it's is something i can realice by myself and you don't need to do extra work for nothing. It's useful at least have a reported issue about this, whatever it can be fixed or not, only to view it's a know problem.

    I have some questions:

    • Then, do you know something about that DOS-filename style problem created for the patch or the uninstaller? It could be more easier if i have propers filenames and not these filenames. I will try to use compatibility mode to patch or maybe, if i can, create a Windows 98 system to view if it's the problem (Compatibility or FAT filesystem). Any advice should be good.

    • All the dubbed voices are in Data/Sound/Voices or i should care in another places? What are the Data/Sound VSC or CSV, i should care about them?

    I will need sometime, but if i can i should create a proper voices folder without those DOS-Filenames, then listen all the files and deleting all the non Spanish ones. At least with that we have what file are, and then think what are missing.

  7. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    In the last days i do a lot of research for this and all the translations problems with the translations packs and the 1.3 patch. I have some info and some missing files prepared to post along the week.

    But about the voices, i can't find a way to do a proper original 1.2 spanish version with the original CD and the Patch 1.2. I always get files with this DOS filenames problem (although when is patching, the status bar shows the proper names). I tried in WinXP with and without W98 Compatibility with the patch and also with the game. I tried today too to use a Win98 VM with the same results. Any advice? In the spanish pack translation here you have the normal filenames.

    EDIT: Well, with this game all can be more weird without any reason. Instead of use my stored 1.2 spanish patch from years ago, i used your 1.2 spanish patch stored here... and it works without the problem. But i do a diff of both the patches and they are the same without any difference. I don't understand... Anyway, i will try to do, and i will compare too the content of the game with both patches, to be ensure. Should be the same, but i can't trust anything at this point.

  8. Frank Sapone

    The Proein Spanish port of DK was clearly half-assed and unless someone is going to hire voice actors and studio time it's going to continue to be half-assed.

  9. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    I’m not going to read the entire thread, but i want to point this out:

    • This is not an issue with the port. It’s only an issue with the spanish translation/dub (both have issues).
    • I only reported because i want to investigate why and have here as a known issue with the dub. I know is nearly impossible to fix it as add the missing voices (well, there are some crazy people out there, but…)
    • I still have the files but i have no time to work in that, but the only thing i explained above and maybe one day i can do is to exchange files because the issue is some german voices appears when playing the spanish dub. I had intention to make an extra file to the spanish translation file to “fix” that (putting there missing text files and for example adding “empty” voice files to avoid the play of the german voices in the spanish dub, if that works), but like i said, i had no time lately.

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