Linux: "timestream23" is mis-spelled in 1.3 as "timesreeam23"

Issue #37 resolved
Purkkaviritys created an issue

After the fight with a Medusa the game comes to halt in Linux version because the next map is misspelled.

I can still write "changelevel timestream23" before the e2m5e ends and then progress forward. This is not a problem in the Windows version. But since it exists in both the Debian and Fedora installations of Daikatana I had to report this.

The message is... "ERROR: Couldn't load maps/timesreeam23.bsp"

There are other issues in Linux version but I need to make other tickets for them.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Gibson

    (Hopefully) fix bug #37 (mapname being corrupted)

    the arguments to strcpy() may not overlap or strange things may happen. also: using strncpy() instead of strcpy()

    → <<cset 6fedf8a173d6>>

  2. Daniel Gibson

    I couldn't reproduce the problem here (with freshly built binaries), but I think I found out what caused it (and fixed the code) anyway. However, as I'm currently on vacation I can't provide new binaries to test until I'm back home (where I have a proper internet connection and the chroot to build a new release).

    Cheers, Daniel

  3. Purkkaviritys reporter

    Sorry, it's been a while... I just extracted the new package and tested it. It works properly on my Debian-PC. Thank you! I'll keep playing the game to check that it's possible to complete the Linux version of the game in case there are more issues like this. You guys are awesome.

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