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Daikatana / Language Packs and Information for Translators

Language Packs and Information for Translators

Language Packs

Daikatana v1.3 natively supports changing the language on-the-fly so you no longer have to download special binaries for each update. Simply go to the options menu and pick your language. Currently English, French, German, Italian and Spanish are supported.

You can download the supplemental language packs that have the assets extracted from the retail language builds below:

Information for Translators

Daikatana v1.3 can easily add new languages. A DLL is compiled with the API and the language CPP file named language_<yourlanguage>.dll and placed into the dlls directory. Use cl_language <yourlanguage> in the console to switch to test it. An SDK is available here. Even if you do not have a compiler you can get started with the English language CPP file available here.

To translate the subtitles files (of which there are many!) you can download that here and extract to your data/ directory and start editing.

When you are ready to submit these changes please open a ticket on the Issue Tracker and we will merge the changes. Currently the main menu does not scan for additional language DLLs. In the meantime, you can still use the cl_language CVAR in the console to manually change the language to test your DLL. So it is very important you open the ticket.

Bugs and Recommendations

Some of the new menu options have been translated by us using Google Translate. Because of this, the translations may be wrong or extend out of bounds. If you have translation suggestions or find bugs regarding non-english specific issues please open a ticket on the Issue Tracker.
