
Daily Pickleballs Essential Doubles Pickleball Strategies to Win at Any Level

Created by dailypickleballs

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  1. dailypickleballs

    Master the Sky Lob - A Must-Have Defensive Weapon in Pickleball

    Finding yourself trapped deep in the backcourt while your opponents control the net is a frustratingly common pickleball predicament. 

    Beginner and intermediate players often hit desperate low-percentage shots in this situation, usually resulting in a lost point. 

    However, there is a simple yet devastatingly effective defensive skill that can completely change the momentum when you're stuck in defense – the sky lob. 

    This overlooked shot is a must-have weapon that all smart pickleball players need to master.

    What is the Sky Lob?

    The sky lob is exactly what the name implies – a very high arcing shot that sails over your opponents' heads to land deep in the backcourt. 

    It is essentially a defensive clear, but with an extreme amount of height and depth. 

    The key is that a properly executed sky lob will force your opponents into an awkward overhead smash as it floats behind them. 

    This buys you critical time and space to re-set the point back to neutral.

    >>>>> Also look:

    When Should You Use a Sky Lob?

    Any time you find yourself trapped in a defensive position far back in the court, the sky lob is your friend. 

    Here are common scenarios where you'll want to throw up a sky lob:

    • You're off balance or out of position and need time to recover
    • An opponent hits a perfect shot that catches you deep in the backcourt
    • You receive a ball with heavy topspin that you don't feel comfortable returning normally
    • Your opponents have blasted you off the kitchen line and you need to disrupt their momentum
    • As a change of pace to keep opponents guessing and throw off their timing

    The Beauty of the Sky Lob

    There are many reasons the sky lob is so effective when used properly:

    1. It resets the point and allows you to regain proper court positioning.
    2. It forces your opponent into a difficult overhead smash. These are much tougher to put away than in tennis.
    3. It makes your opponents have to change direction from forward to backward.
    4. It messes with your opponent's timing and comfort when they feel in control.
    5. It gives you a chance to stay in the point instead of making a risky desperate shot.

    >>>>> Read more:

    How to Execute a Great Sky Lob

    Hitting sky lobs that consistently work takes practice. Use these technical tips:

    • Move back toward the baseline to open up space behind opponents.
    • Use a high continental grip and keep your wrist firm.
    • Take a short backswing and brush upward through the back of the ball.
    • Imagine you are throwing the ball to the sky when you make contact.
    • Follow through high and let the ball float deep. Avoid hitting it with force.
    • Lifting the ball 20-30 feet high optimal. Make opponents backpedal.
    • Focus on high trajectory over power. Consistent depth more important than pace.

    Drills to Improve Your Sky Lobs

    Dedicate some practice time to honing your sky lob skills with these solo and partner drills:

    • Just throw balls high over a fence or wall and work on brushing up for max height.
    • Partner lobs balls to you so you can work on overhead smash returns. Move back as you improve control.
    • Have a partner pretend to control the net up front while you rip sky lobs from the backcourt.
    • Switch roles – you fake attacking the net while partner lobs balls over your head from deep.
    • Practice jumping sky lobs on balls hit short to reach optimal lobbing height.

    >>>>> See also:

    Weapons Win Matches

    Having solid fundamentals like groundstrokes and volleys are table stakes in pickleball.

    But separating yourself from the pack requires mastery of weapons like the sky lob for when you're in a jam. 

    Don't just slap at balls and hope when your opponents control the net. Use the sky lob to launch a comeback, and watch your opponents helplessly flail at lob after lob. 

    Add this overlooked gem of a shot to your repertoire and transform your defense today!


    Finding yourself overwhelmed and on your heels is inevitable in pickleball. The players who know how to get out of trouble using smart shots like the sky lob are the ones who end up winning close matches. 

    Stop making risky low-percentage shots when pinned deep. Instead, master the sky lob to flip the script and reset points to neutral. 

    Use this guide to make the sky lob a go-to defensive weapon that buys you time against pressing opponents. 

    Start dropping lob dimes and watch your opponents miss overhead after overhead. Strong defense leads to more wins!


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