Option to tag K162 as unknown / dangerous / deadly

Issue #142 duplicate
witchking42 created an issue

I know you can tag a K162 as leading to low / high / class-1, class-2 etc but if you haven't actually traversed the K162 on links to other wormholes, you only have a guide as to where it leads apart from the C6's.

Unknown=C1/C2/C3 Dangerous=C4/C5 Deadly=C6

I know you can supposedly tell what class the WH by the color and pattern of the actual wormhole, but its not always 100% reliable, so an option to tag as one of the above would be helpful.

Comments (2)

  1. Ashy

    Marked as duplicate. Currently, you can choose "Class-1", "Null-sec" and such as an option. I recommend you take the chance to analyse the description and hole more carefully, if you get good at it you'll be able to tell where any hole leads at a glance :)

    For example, dangerous AND very large means it must be a C5

    Additionally, the colours are reliable, quite useful to learn them

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