Give us the option to input null/low/high/unknown/dangerous/deadly information

Issue #72 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Say for example you probe a system out, you get a list of k162 connections, warping to them and pulling up the info gives you some rough indication as to the destination, eg:null/low/high/unknown/dangerous/deadly.

Without passing through the hole, there is no way to tell the exact system the k162 leads to, but this small amount of information is still valuable. Unfortunately there is nowhere we are able to update this though. Whilst colours can be read on holes with reasonable accuracy, there is no option to allow us to set the hole as a high/low/null.

To have somewhere to quickly jam this information so it could temporarily reflect in the 'leads to' column would help immensely with sorting, instead of just having a string of k162 with blank 'leads to' columns.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashy

    Marked as duplicate. Please also remember that this is something you can work out yourself quite easily, if you find for example a "dangerous" hole that can fit just large ships then it's more likely to be a C4. You can write 'Class-4' into the Leads To box to reflect that :D

    A parser would be an interesting project that has been asked to by several people though, we can perhaps look at that in time.

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