Add destination type which is seen in wh description, especially for K162

Issue #66 closed
Richard Schwab (Nothing4You) created an issue

Related to #13, however, not necessarily with an auto parser. Even being able to add this manually would be useful.

Comments (8)

  1. Dale Everett

    The ability to add destination is completely possible, but it is too specific. If the wormhole description says "Unknown", then it could be Class-1, Class-2, or Class-3. As it currently stands right now, we can only know Null-Sec, Low-Sec, High-Sec, and Class-6 for sure. It would be really helpful to have a way to translate the "Unknown", "Dangerous", and if necessary "Deadly" states of a hole into Tripwire in some way.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    That shouldn't be too difficult (adding "Unknown", "Dangerous", etc). Just a question of how should they show on the chain map

  3. Dale Everett

    Above the "K162" in the systems where the existing names are (C4, NS, LS, etc), there could be two different names added for Unknown or Dangerous:

    Unknown: C1/2/3

    Dangerous: C4/5

    Besides text, I'm not sure if it needs any special coloring besides how WH's are currently done. Someway to keep it obvious that these systems haven't been explored out yet.

    Thanks for looking at this Daimian!

  4. Richard Schwab (Nothing4You) reporter

    When this is implemented this should also help with auto-mapping when jumping through not-yet-mapped holes.

    Right now it's possible to have a K162 highsec hole in a system with highsec static. If you jump through it tripwire will automatically assume that you took the static (if already scanned). Also, if you have 2 K162, one to highsec, one to lowsec, it could auto-choose which hole you used.

  5. Ashy

    You can currently write 'Class 4' and such in the leads to field. At the moment there aren't plans to add something like "C1/C2/C3" but perhaps it could be looked at with the inclusion of a parser. If anything I recommend you use this as an opportunity to help yourself distinguish low-class wormholes by colour and enter it correctly first time :)

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