Incorrect display of Cyrillic characters when pasting signatures from russian client.

Issue #408 duplicate
Sergey NA created an issue

When pasting scan results from russian client, it doesn't recognize the results and does not display Cyrillic characters. It looks like this:


I created a request Pull request #134 that fixes parse sig on paste from russian client. But this fix does not solve the problem of displaying Cyrillic characters.

I watched the query data in the chrome developer tool. Request header:


Request response preview:



Manual edit sig:




Request data manual edit sig. Request:


Response preview:


There may be a problem with transcoding text strings during SQL transactions.

Comments (5)

  1. Sergey NA reporter

    @Chris Abernethy signatures from latest client:

    FAB-665 Скрытый сигнал 0,0% 27,28 а.е.
    INP-890 Скрытый сигнал 0,0% 64,29 а.е.

    OER-244 Космическая аномалия Астероидный район Средние залежи арконора и бистота 100,0% 21,11 а.е.
    XYP-739 Космическая аномалия Астероидный район Малая залежь Arkonor и Bistot 100,0% 32,50 а.е.

    VEK-601 Скрытый сигнал 0,0% 16,08 а.е.
    VEK-601 Скрытый сигнал Червоточина Нестабильная червоточина (Unstable Wormhole) 100,0% 16,06 а.е.

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