Scan result paste recognition - support for korean language (charset)

Issue #452 new
Minwoo Choi created an issue

recently eve supports korean language, but tripwire is not.
So I've requested changing the source code of ** app/js/tripwire/paste.js line 8 - 13**

but the charset doesn't seem to be a UTF-8 or multilanguage-compatible.
it always displays like "??? ????" , not recognizing valid korean characters.
please help us! :(

 var validScanGroups = ["Cosmic Signature", "Cosmic Anomaly", "Kosmische Anomalie", "Kosmische Signatur",
                                "Скрытый сигнал", "Космическая аномалия", "코즈믹 시그니처", "코즈믹 어노말리"];
        var validTypes = {"Gas Site": "Gas", "Data Site": "Data", "Relic Site": "Relic", "Ore Site": "Ore", "Combat Site": "Combat", "Wormhole": "Wormhole",
                            "Gasgebiet": "Gas", "Datengebiet": "Data", "Reliktgebiet": "Relic", "Mineraliengebiet": "Ore", "Kampfgebiet": "Combat", "Wurmloch": "Wormhole",
                            "Газовый район": "Gas", "Информационный район": "Data", "Археологический район": "Relic", "Астероидный район": "Ore", "Боевой район": "Combat", "Червоточина": "Wormhole", 
                            "가스 사이트": "Gas", "데이터 사이트": "Data", "유물 사이트": "Relic", "채광 사이트": "Ore", "전투 사이트": "Combat", "웜홀": "Wormhole"};

Comments (7)

  1. Chris Abernethy

    @Minwoo Choi can you please paste a few signatures into a comment here so that I can use them for testing?

  2. Astriania

    This is resolved on self hosting, it’s not likely to get updated on public as it’s a database change.

    The sig type is correctly recognised (it’s just the name which isn’t), and wormholes should be ok.


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