Many UI elements missing/not working on one character account only

Issue #64 resolved
Nick DeYarman created an issue

This all started after I was updating a WH sig while simultaneously jumping through it.

Ever since then I do not see:

  • the link to current system (next to search field) (ok it gets weird, I see this after editing a signature...)

  • chain map

Also, when I edit a signature it will not let me click save but when I click "cancel" it saves the edit. At this point I can see the link to current system as mentioned above. Now if I try and re-edit the signature it will not let me click save.

Weird shit :D

I tried clearing cache for both the IGB and client. Also, my other char's Tripwire account works fine.

Thanks for any help.

Comments (15)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Wow, that is crazy weird... Does that said account work OK out of game in like Chrome? Also what character's account isn't working?

  2. Nick DeYarman reporter

    It has the same problems out of game. Also, It keeps toggling the star on for "add favorite systems to chain" after I use certain menus. Also, it is on my personal mask which my two characters share. When I got to settings to change the mask to my private or default one I click save and the window will not close (as with other windows for editing sigs). Then I click close, then I go back to settings and it toggles it back to my shared mask. It's almost as if the UI is "stuck" on previous settings or something...

    The character's account that I am having these problems for is Jorji Cobrastan. I am the same guy that had problems because I didn't realize that I had the automapper turned off....I don't think that this can be a silly mistake like that though :D

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Sounds a lot like javascript errors. Using an out of game browser, can you please take a screenshot of the developer tools.

  4. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Wow, that error is because your using a chain map tab that was created 4+ months ago or your local cookie file is corrupted. I would remove all your chain map tabs and re-create them.

  5. Nick DeYarman reporter

    I don't have any tabs open. Should I make a new tab and see if that works or something?

  6. Nick DeYarman reporter

    yeah, if i make a new tab everything works it looks like. haven't tried it in game yet

  7. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Wow, major error that I missed - if you don't have any chain map tabs it mostly breaks all of Tripwire.

  8. Nick DeYarman reporter

    I don't know how the tabs are supposed to work, but if I make a new one everything works whether I have it highlighted (underline blue) or not. The only change is that the default system (Jita) changes name to whatever I named my tab.

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