J001694 - wrong statics

Issue #84 resolved
Josh Glassmaker repo owner created an issue

J001694 Is listed as a u210 LS static when it in fact has a NS k346, in addition to its h296. Thanks!

Comments (11)

  1. Josh Glassmaker reporter

    Something went wrong with this ticket - if still an issue please create a new issue and lets get it fixed

  2. Mark Broadhead

    Yeah, The PR got screwed up. I'm still learning about git and created the PR but I kept working on that branch and other changes got added to the PR which I didn't know would happen. It is still an issue and a super easy fix. I'll see if I can get it fixed this afternoon.

  3. Josh Glassmaker reporter

    Make sure to modify the statics.json file in the tools folder - that is used to compile the compile.json file. I can then be sure it is accurate when using newer EVE data dumps.

  4. Mark Broadhead

    I see. Should I additionally remove compile.json from source and add a note to the readme that json_builder.php must be run?

  5. Josh Glassmaker reporter

    As long as your branch is up-to-date with dev you can modify compile.json. I am hoping in the future to incorporate json_builder.php into a Laravel framework.

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