Water buildings aren't available

Issue #1239 open
Former user created an issue


The icon used to build water structures is not clickable any more.


Comments (19)

  1. Paul Nilsson

    Same problem and its not only the Capua mission. Its in every mission. Also got it in freeplay. Tried different things and even tried tutorial 1 and there other icons were blue and not pressable that should be ok to use to complete the mission.

  2. Paul Nilsson

    Would it be possible to revert to former update untill issue is solved cause atm the game isnt playable at any level? In tutorial 1 you dont get to build prefectures and engineers. In tutorial 2 you dont get access to new buildings such as bathhouse and theater when making progress and in missions and freeplay waterrelated buildings and scribes buttons are not available.

  3. Lars Gusowski
    • changed status to open

    fix only fix capua - other maps still buggy (as mentioned in the pull request)

    therefore reopend until i am ready with the other maps

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