Cannot build dock in Capua

Issue #1245 resolved
Ida created an issue

I used to have a dock in my Capua save, but since the lates update it is missing and even though I have an open sea trade route I get a message saying "inland lake has no access to sea" when I try to rebuild it (see screenshot).

When a trade ship arrives, the game crashes (stdout.txt attached).

Also, the info box for the trade ship - which used to work - now only says "citizens thought will show here" or something of the sort (sorry, I don't remember the exact phrasing).

Comments (8)

  1. Terri Reilly

    This is still an issue for me, even after updates and two re-installs. I cannot build a dock in Capua and finish this mission.

  2. Lars Gusowski

    The issue wasn't fixed until now - therfore it couldn't work at the moment - sorry for the problems

  3. Paul Nilsson

    It works now thank you. But saved games doesnt, and you have to start scenario from "load scenario", restart scenario doesnt help.

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