House evolution: Tents evolve to large shack (level 4) without market

Issue #143 resolved
b606 created an issue

Game mechanic: Tents evolve to large shack (level 4) without market in original CIII (once desirability is higher). They really get food (wheat) from local area. As far as I tested in caesaria, large tents do not evolve in tutorial 1, making the gameplay different.

My guess is: local area provides up to 5.5 food per house square, which is the quantity needed to sustain large shacks.

See screenshot from tutorial 1 below. (Large shack) tut1_largehut.jpeg (Small shacks) tut1_smallhut.jpeg

Comments (6)

  1. b606 reporter

    Yes I did in both game (caesar III and caesaria), as exploring the game mechanic is easier in tutorial 1 :-) I also tried first mission in caesaria and let it run for a long time. For comparison : caesaria never allows evolution to large shacks while caesar III does (within one game month, not sure of it ?). One user also talked about something similar in one of the issues.

    On long run in caesar III, large shacks can build up to 22 wheat stock (5 wheat stock for small shack). That also means that tents get wheat stock. My guess about 5.5 wheat income is from the c3_model.txt Teolida made a spreadsheet from it (

  2. dalerank repo owner

    I see that in original first mission we have event "rome send wheat", so not need market for house upgrade. I'll try fix this behaviour in caesaria

  3. b606 reporter

    Good catch ! In my caesar III GOG french version, I do not have any message about Rome sending food but that perfectly solves the puzzle.

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