Deleting multipart building while paused

Issue #336 resolved
Cherry Soup created an issue

When deleting building, which consists not only as one part, like bridges or hippodrome in pause mode, deleted will be only that part, that user hovered, but not entire building. After unpause other parts will be removed anyway.

Comments (7)

  1. dalerank repo owner

    i know about thsi bug... simple way it hide other parts on delete. I use events for deleting buildings, so when game paused events not exec (((

  2. Cherry Soup reporter

    VladRassokhin, this is not good decision. I'm mostly build exactly in pause mode, because it's comfortable.

  3. Vladislav Rassokhin

    Pavel, building in paused game gives you privilege, so it can destroy original game complexity. Almost all games not allow to do anything in paused game.

  4. dalerank repo owner

    Bridge is once building ((( i need a some time to fix this... Is original game may build some in pause???

  5. ramMASTER

    just checked, you cant build or destroy in caesar3 but you can in zeus and in modern games.

    i've noticed some refreshing issues that might be related, like a window popup that takes a second to remove the window below.

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