First campaing map, under attack

Issue #385 resolved
Ivan Gonzalez Martin created an issue

I have played the first map of the campaing without problems in the first version of the game, after the first hotfix I try loading the save game of the first map and I was under attack constantly. I assume that at the first maps have to be impossible to be under attack till you can build something to defend your city.

Comments (7)

  1. Ivan Gonzalez Martin reporter

    I'm not sure, but I think they seemed to be Romans. I will try again tonight.

    the text was "Enemies are attacking the city"

  2. keeeeper

    Quite annoying bug, indeed. This is because emperor is not loading correctly (in fact it does not loading at all) and your Favor is 0 after loading. This patch should fix it:

    --- a/source/world/empire.cpp
    +++ b/source/world/empire.cpp
    @@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ void Empire::load( const VariantMap& stream )
       VariantMap objects = stream.get( "objects" ).toMap();
       _loadObjects( objects );
    +  _d->emperor.load(stream.get("emperor").toMap());
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