IllegalMemoryAccess when saving game

Issue #595 resolved
digger66 created an issue

OS: Windows 7 64bit Gamesource: Steam Version: Build 54

I ran the Tarraco scenario to the latest point I could save (see attachment). Once the ingame time runs past April 7th 269BC each and every time I try saving the game it crashes. I tried fast forwarding it but then it just crashes at the next autosave. The log yields this:

... SaveAdapter: try load model from C:/.../CaesarIA/resources/gui/savefile.gui City: create save map City: save tilemap information City: save main paramters City: save finance information City: save trade/build/win options City: save walkers information SIGSEGV: Illegal memory access. Stack trace not available Caesaria logfile closed: 10:40:18

Comments (6)

  1. victor sosa

    I couldn't load this map.

    This is the error:

    TileOverlay: invalid picture for building [28,59] with name 
    SIGSEGV: Illegal memory access.
    Stacktrace::begin :
     ./caesaria.linux : CrashHandler_handleCrash(int)+0x7d
     /lib64/ : ()+0x34950
     ./caesaria.linux : SmartPtr<LowBridgeSubTile>::operator->() const+0xc
     ./caesaria.linux : LowBridge::load(VariantMap const&)+0xf0
     ./caesaria.linux : PlayerCity::load(VariantMap const&)+0x154f
     ./caesaria.linux : game::loader::OC3::load(std::string const&, Game&)+0x6cc
     ./caesaria.linux : game::Loader::load(vfs::Path, Game&)+0x100
     ./caesaria.linux : Game::load(std::string)+0x746
     ./caesaria.linux : gamestate::ShowMainMenu::~ShowMainMenu()+0x252
     ./caesaria.linux : gamestate::ShowMainMenu::~ShowMainMenu()+0x18
     ./caesaria.linux : Game::exec()+0xc4
     ./caesaria.linux : main()+0x4ba
     /lib64/ : __libc_start_main()+0xf0
     ./caesaria.linux() [0x82d2a9]

    Seems to be an issue loading the low bridge in the map.

  2. digger66 reporter

    That hasn't been an issue yet here. Steam meanwhile updated the game to build 55. I still can load the savegame and still habe the same problem saving it later. I'll attach a screenshot showing the low bridges...

    BTW the water terrain in the grasland should be trees. This happend due to the version change (b54 - b55) between saving and loading and is prbabely another issue. If I start the map from scratch, the terrain looks good again

  3. victor sosa

    yep, the tree issue for water is happening in other maps too, that's reported already. I am using the last build from source code and I wasn't able to load the game due this error loading.

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